Co-incidences 1 Sonambients

About the Sound Sculptures

Made especially for todays event by metal sculptor Adam Lawrence in his company workshop, “One Little Girl and a Can of Gasoline” are the two sound sculptures, one of which you’re very welcome to play. Both are “tuned” to work with the harmony of the music around you. Try hitting the base of the rods gently with the pad of your thumb…

These are inspired by the “Sonamient” sculpures created by Harry Bertoia. As an  furniture designer, Bertoia created a series of iconic steel wire framed chairs – the height of chic in the 60s. The chairs are still in production at Knoll, and if you visit their Clerkenwell showroom here in London you can see not only the chairs but also an actual Bertoia sound sculpture. Sat on an extremely nice coffee table.

In later life Bertoia went on to create and entire “orchestra” of these incredible sonambients, housed in a barn at the Bertoia Foundation in Utah. and would perform concerts and make extensive recordings. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, these had to be sold, and are now in museums and private collections across the world. My hope had been to make a version of Co-Incidences for them, but in the end we made some of our own.

 I’d like to extend particular gratitude to Adam and his team at the workshop. It’s been a real pleasure working on these with him.

Ephraim Moses Lilien: ‘Amoroso’